Daily Journal – December, 1st

It just occurred to me today that everyday I sit down to write in my journal but it seams I never have the time to post on my website, so why not combine the two. I have written my journals for years as if someone someday might actually read them. While I write my posts on my website like no one will read them. I am hoping by pulling the two together I can find a balance. So welcome to the 1st of those posts.

Time is a fascinating concept. It exists as a measurable point, yet it eludes our perception in a physical dimension. Living in a 3D world, we can only experience time, not perceive it in its entirety. What we think of as the present is actually a remembrance of the past.


  • Height: Represents the vertical dimension, describing how high something is.
  • Width: Represents the horizontal dimension, describing how wide something is.
  • Depth: Represents the dimension that extends inwards, describing how far something is from you.
  • Time: In physics, time is sometimes considered a fourth dimension alongside the three spatial dimensions.

Einstein stated that although we cannot prove the existence of time, we use it as a measurement. When we arrange to meet someone for lunch, we do so at a specific 3D position and a specific time, a fourth dimension.

Even though we cannot perceive the fourth dimension, we are part of it. Many believe we live solely in the third dimension, but in reality, we travel through time. Our minds, however, can only perceive the third dimension. We’re blind to the timelines around us unless we use our extra senses to feel the energetic resonance. For instance, have you ever thought of someone and then they called you a few moments later? You were sensing familiar energy moving towards you from another dimension.

We can sometimes feel events before they happen, and with practice, can sense them with more accuracy. This ability is often perceived as psychic abilities or a gut feeling, but it’s a skill that can be honed. Rather than trusting our intuition, we often let our logical mind override our feelings, making decisions that exclude the belief of other dimensions.

By learning to hone this skill, we could better prepare for potential events. The future and the past hold multiple realities or timelines. We travel through time with opportunities to switch timelines based on our conscious decisions. By focusing our attention on certain energies, we move towards them. This is how manifestation works: believing you live in a reality where your desires exist moves you toward that timeline. Changing your focus can shift you to another timeline. Beliefs set your direction, emotions guide you, and action creates motion.

Time in our reality is limited, moving like a rushing river with rapids, never able to stop or go back. Many focus on their past, struggling against the current. Having faith that the future holds something better and letting go allows you to move towards calmer waters. Trusting your intuition and releasing the past help you navigate the future, avoiding dangers and enjoying the journey.

Struggle makes things difficult and scary. Believing there isn’t enough time often keeps people stuck, looking backward. At the same time, having too much attachment to your own ideas of the future can lead you to prepare for the wrong things. By reading the flow of time through the present, you can develop a gift for perception. Intuition, that higher part of yourself, sees around the bend and guides you.

Personally, I often feel lost in the thought that I don’t have enough time, which leads to wasting time and feeling pressured by collapsing tasks. I try to prepare by scheduling, making lists, and planning, but things rarely go as planned, causing more stress. I’ve learned to let go, but the feeling of being worn out persists, stemming from the belief that I can never do enough or cannot rest.

Understanding that I cannot control the river of time, only how I navigate it, allows for a smoother journey. Prioritizing what’s on my mind and not being attached to the effort or time it takes helps. Things that aren’t important will pass by or build until they become the most important. Worrying about meeting schedules only increases stress.

Damien, to release this energy, you must learn to enjoy yourself again. Have fun with your chores and don’t worry about deadlines. If something more important comes up, follow that direction. When you lack energy for a task, it isn’t a priority. Obsessing over something indicates it will bring you closer to your desires. Be responsible and avoid distractions. Addictions or instant gratifications only prolong your journey, keeping you from what’s around the bend.

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