Practicing The Blissful And Amazing Art Of Gratitude

Damien the shaman & Oliver in the Woods of New Mexico

Every day I wake up in the morning intending to be grateful for what I have, but after spending so many years waking up wishing I didn’t awaken, not every day is a successful one. However, that doesn’t mean that I haven’t been getting better with practice. My guides tell me often that I am hard on myself and I can see why.

Today I woke up with the intention of being grateful but I was groggy and not motivated to drag myself out of bed. My 2-year-old toddler had other plans and was insistent on me waking up as he repeatedly screamed and banged at the door. Instead of thinking positive words of gratitude I was in a grumpy mood. My son though is always in a joyful mood in the morning, making it hard to stay in a bad mood. He also is a very active child so just about the time I was out of my grumpy mood he slammed his head into my mouth busting my lip and sending me into a moment of extreme pain.

After calming down and trying to break my mood I took my son outside to play. He ran around for a bit before he decided he wanted to go for a ride in the truck. I grabbed my keys and took him for a ride out into the woods. Figured some nature time was good for both of us. We went to a spot where I like to look for firewood.

While driving we spotted a grouse. Oliver, my son, got really excited and decided he wanted to follow it into the woods. We jumped out of the truck and marched through the woods to find the “chick chick” as Oliver named it. After a few minutes, we found the grouse and stood still to watch it.

We spent about 15 minutes watching the “Chick Chick” as Oliver screamed excitedly, “Cute, Cute, Cute!” I absorbed as much of this moment as I possibly could. I became aware of how special it was we drove 3 minutes from our house and found wildlife that was now circling us a few feet away just being a grouse. I am grateful for my home. I thought about the contestants of the show Alone and how they would wish they had this opportunity to be this close to something to eat. I was simply grateful that we had food in our fridge. I thought about how I got to share this special moment with my son. I was thankful for my family. I thought about how calm and peaceful the woods were early in the morning. I am thankful for peace and happiness, especially on days I wake up in a bad mood.

People will often tell you that you need to wake up in the morning and be grateful and positive but I think my morning showed me that waking up in a bad state and then moving to a more clear and positive state helps me appreciate things a lot more. That often I stay in a bad place because I feel I have failed not to wake up and be grateful right away. This is what my guides refer to. It is better to move to a positive state and not feel like you are failing at being positive. It is about changing your environment and mental space, not about repetitive rituals and following mantras. To truely show gratitude is to understand what you have in the moment, not about what you wish you had in the past or what you want to have in the future. It is about what is going on right now.

This means we should wake up and be gratiful for what we want to manifest or dwell on the things we lack in the past or in the present moment. Instead we should spend each moment thinking about how much we love that we have the people in this moment, the food we taste, the sounds we hear, the feeling we share, the moment that is a gift. The present. Just be thankful you have this moment, even the bad ones.

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